Sunday, August 23, 2009

Famous for one minute

She made the newspaper!!!
Yesterday Audrey played in the first Logan High School tournament of the season. Right near the end of the game a photographer with a giant lens showed up, took a picture and asked for her name. We were excited, and by the way, she won both games!!


  1. Way to go Audrey!! Good picture too!!

  2. LOVE the picture!!! what a stretch for a serve....this is FUN. So tell she playing NEXT weekend too?

  3. By the way...I LOVE Audrey's's so darn cute and sassy!!

  4. Yup, I noticed the cute hair as well. Good work, how fun to be famous. Keep up the blogging mom I tune in often. Sister Patty

  5. Love this!!! and I'm so proud of how cute her short hair looks. Imagine if she would've had some stinky long pony tail. That wouldn't have made her look as cute or as sporty as she does.

  6. The hair is soo cute. I love it.
    Call me and we can talk about the botox in the hands for sweating. it is awesome. i love you guys miss you all. hope to see you soon.

  7. Hi Diane! Cute picture. She looks intense. No wonder she won both games that day!!
