Well, we are really bad at taking pictures around here. We forced ourselves while Brian and Russell were on their missions, but we didn't even take any Christmas pictures except for the morning of church that week. Konrad was very sweet and had corsages for his girls made up. We felt pretty special. He thought they were really huge. They were but it made us all feel good. WE WERE NOTICED.
MJ had her birthday last week while she was in New York at auditions. We decided to have a birthday party for her last night. We had a Mexican Fiesta. Alison is a great party planner. She quickly put together a Mexican table and put up streamers.
MJ and Brian have worked at their grad school applications. Now we just have to wait and see where they will be going!! The week before Christmas Brian was feverishly putting together his published portfolio with art, photos, design projects, etc. He decided he wanted to diversify it a little bit so he wanted to upholster a chair and document it. So, we were doing this chaise together the week before Christmas. MJ has to produce sample CDs and give the schools professional headshots. We like this one the best. We are going to miss them.
Russell has moved to Provo and we miss him a lot. He is really enjoying getting to know his cousins better.
WE LOVE HAVING RUSSELL HERE! but we miss you so much!